Ready to learn how to market and grow your business?
Does this sound familiar?
You are a small business owner who is feeling out of your depth when it comes to marketing your business.
You know that if you don't uncover the secret to selling your products and services like hot cakes, your dream of owning your own business will not come true.
You are ambitious and have a dying thirst to succeed, but you can't help but feel lost and unsure where to even begin.
There is so much information on what you should do, but not enough on exactly how to do it. You are trying to work it out and do everything and be everywhere, but nothing seems to work.
You need the exact steps to create a marketing strategy that will outline exactly what you need to do to find your customers, sell your products and grow your business.
You feel lonely as a sole business owner and battle with self-doubt.
You are frustrated with "bad" investments that haven't helped you achieve the results you need or were promised.
You are stuck and need HELP!
Imagine if instead...
You had a roadmap to properly identify your ideal customer and the marketing channels to reach them.
You could master proven strategies to grow your business, launch new products, at any time with complete confidence and ease.
There was a "one-stop shop" for all the marketing resources and guides, so you never had to waste endless hours searching on the internet again.
You had ongoing marketing support and a community of equally awesome, like-minded business owners who you could lean on and celebrate your successes with, never feeling alone again.
You never had to worry about when or where your next sale was going to come from, because you were in control and clear on what you needed to achieve and how.
Introducing the #SaveMyMarketing
Marketing Academy 5 Week Program
Designed for you and by you. That's right. I have been working with small business owners just like you to design and build an easy, fast and affordable solution that will teach you step-by-step how to develop a marketing strategy and plan that's tailored specifically for your business.
As a member you will enjoy...
Access to 5x weekly marketing masterclasses released each Sunday that will see you learn, hone and master proven frameworks to build a sustainable and successful marketing strategy and plan for your business
5x Weekly Group Coaching sessions with me so that I can personally guide and support you through each weekly topic, ensuring you are confident in your understanding to apply these strategies and learnings to your business.
Lifelong access to the Marketing Academy Learning Portal plus a course workbook and templates you can use time and time again.
Bonus extended access to the Academy Members Club on Instagram for tips, check-ins and weekly release updates.
Exclusive VIP-only
Mastermind Community Access
VIP members received access to the Marketing Academy's Mastermind Community Group and access to a business buddy! Plus direct access to me and additional topic-related tips each week. Plus, be sure to check for weekly reminders and check-ins.
What exactly will you learn?
Get clear on your situation
In this masterclass we will complete a full situational analysis, the first component of your marketing strategy. This includes SWOT, PESTLE and COMPETITOR analysis.
VIP Members ONLY: Week 1: Group Coaching Session (1hr)
Your chance to ask questions, check your understanding and receive feedback.
Goals, Targets and Metrics
A strategy is nothing without goals, targets and metrics to tell us if it is working. In this session we will take learnings from the situational analysis to set your business goals.
VIP Members ONLY: Week 2: Group Coaching Session (1hr)
Build Your Buyer Personas
In this masterclass, we will work on understanding your customers, so that you can enhance your marketing communications and connect your products and services to their needs and wants.
VIP Members ONLY: Week 3: Group Coaching Session (1hr)
The Marketing Mix
This is the heart of your strategy that gives you a complete marketing roadmap specific for your business and customers.
VIP Members ONLY: Week 4: Group Coaching Session (1hr)
Your Marketing Plan
In this final masterclass, we bring it all together, building out an action plan with exactly what to do and when. Feel in complete control and move forward with confidence, as you bring your strategy to live.
VIP Members ONLY: Week 5: Group Coaching Session (1hr)
But, who the hell am I?
Hi, I'm Sarah Ferraina, The Marketing Coach for Small Business
I am just like you. A visionary at heart. Passionate. Ambitious.
Wanting more for me, my family and out of life damn it!
So, with 18+ years of hands-on, blood, sweat and tears marketing experience, I am sharing strategies, frameworks and tactics used by multi-million dollar companies (yes, the ones I have worked for), to enable and support fellow entrepreneurs like you, in building great brands.
Despite my own experience, even I wasn't immune to the overwhelm, distraction and loneliness of starting your own business.
No longer can you afford to just be the master of your own domain! You need to immerse yourself in EVERY aspect of the business. Yikes. Help!
As I started to connect myself with like-minded entrepreneurs who could guide me in the areas that I wasn't so confident,
I saw a huge cry for help when it came to marketing.
It was here where I made a U-turn in my business from consulting to coaching and began 1:1 bespoke coaching and founded #SaveMyMarketing.
As the infamous Chinese proverb goes "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime."
✨ Starts on 29th March 2025 ✨
Join the Marketing Academy
All prices quoted in $AUD excluding GST.
Standard Membership
No lock in contract
Lifetime access to masterclasses and marketing resources
(worth $3,000 per masterclass)
**Pay in 4**
Break up your payment in 4 easy instalments here
Only 30 spots available!
5x 1hr Group Coaching sessions
(worth $1,750)
Bespoke 1hr Coaching session with Sarah
(worth $350)
VIP only access to Mastermind Community Group + access to a Business Buddy!
(worth over $10,000)
Lifetime access to masterclasses and marketing resources
(worth $3,000 per masterclass)
Worth over $15,000 😳
**Pay in 4**
Break up your payment in 4 easy instalments here
The frameworks I teach you have helped me generate millions of dollars in revenue over my 20-year corporate career.
I hold nothing back, sharing the strategies I still use to gain clarity, confidence, and control over my marketing efforts.
AND I GUARANTEE IT. If you don’t walk away with an actionable roadmap for marketing your business after taking part in full, with 100% commitment to the program, I will happily refund your money.
Let's make 2024 the year it all started for you.
Copyright © 2022 Sarah Ferraina Marketing Coach and #SaveMyMarketing All rights reserved